by staxhomeloans | Sep 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
With the property boom of recent years and the popularity of TV renovation shows like The Block and House Rules, increasing numbers of Australians have been ‘buying to flip’ – buying a property, renovating it and selling it at a profit. Buying to flip can be lucrative...
by staxhomeloans | Jul 2, 2019 | Blog
The amount you can borrow and the amount you should borrow are sometimes two very different things. Before you apply for a home loan, it makes sense to realistically assess your financial situation. Here’s how to do it. Understand your borrowing capacity Generally...
by staxhomeloans | Jun 4, 2019 | Blog
Parent-to-child loan A parent-to-child loan is when a parent lends their child money. This is a formal, legally binding arrangement, administered by an independent third party. At the start of the loan period, both parties agree to terms including repayment amounts, a...
by staxhomeloans | May 7, 2019 | Blog
New government regulations mean interest-only loans are on the decline. Given the changes, it may be time to reconsider your own loan structure. Rewind a few years and many people would have confidently assured you that an interest-only loan – a home loan on which you...
by staxhomeloans | Apr 2, 2019 | Blog
Ready to buy a property? You’ll need to show the seller you have enough money. For most people, this will mean getting a loan, and the first step to getting one is obtaining pre-approval for it. Pre-approval – also known as conditional approval or approval in...